I love design. I really want a space to put my doll house wall papers. I have doll house furniture, little figures etc. but no doll house until now TADA my first build.
That is hard to believe but its true. I paint miniature paintings and do my wall papers but I hadn't gotten around to having my own home. I'm thinking ok i have a weekend we can crank this puppy out. Um no. Next thing I know I have stuff EVERYWHERE. This is gonna take some time. My patience are not the best. I admit that, After starting this, I can see that they are much worse than I thought. I will soldier on! I will have to fight the cat because now she needs to be on the table in the middle of everything. I am almost to the section that says first final build. What does that mean exactly? How many final build sections are there? I will soldier on! Wish me luck